Saturday, February 28, 2009

The 4 serpents before the throne of Pharoah

".......Perfect love casteth out all fear...." I John 4-18

The hidden commerce in our society and our world goes back to the Fall of our firsr ancestors; but for those who see the story of Adam and Eve as the condensation of a myth that goes back to where patriarchy replaced matriarchy as the ruling force in human life we should look closer at even the diverging ways of life that came when the settled City dwellers who practiced agriculture wiped out their nomadic brethren of the Field; or as it reads in Genesis; where Cain killed Abel.

The reason that the Egyptians hated shepherds goes back then to the hatred Cain had for Abel; the Egyptian religion and their Civilization being the greatest River economy the world ever saw; China and the Yellow river having a similar pattern; repeated in India with the Ganges; South America with the Amazon; and Greece with the Styx.

As it reads in the Popol Vuh there were 4 Tollans; 4 Adams; one for each of the 4 Races; the 4 Principal races being the Yellow; the Black; the Red and the White. In this we have a different view than the one seen in Genesis; yet not so different if we look at the synthesis Moses used to put a lot of information into very few words.

If we look at the story of the Fall we can see that the pattern is rather unusual; but the truth itself is even more interesting. Let us look at Adam as representing the Story of what happened to our first Ancestors at the Beginning of the 4 Races God first planted in Paradise; the 4 races being then seen as 4 Rivers which were to flow throughout the Kingdom of God from Time and the Sea to the One River the 4 came from: and Eternity.

So what happened? The entire story can best be explained if we remember one very important thing; that in Paradise the Light of the Sun was the body of Adam in his Virginity; and the Light of the Moon was the body of Eve in her Virginity. This means we had our wings; the invisable ones that allowed Adam and Eve to traverse the Heavens and have commerce with the angels; as they were equal to them at the archetypal level of creation seen at the first of the 7 heavens. Thus their bodies emitted light.

When Adam lost his Seed with Eve in what people believe was the Act of Love but which actually was one of what one might call mutual masturbation the first things he noticed was that his body lost it's glow: from Gold he went to a rather dull Yellow. At this point he realized that this had happened because he had lost his Seed; which meant he had broken his Promise to God to not do so; thus he had broken their Covenant which he agreed to when God placed him in the Garden He had planted in Eden; the Divine Nature in Nature.

At this point Adam turned White as a ghost; he took Eve and hid himself in the thickest part of the Garden; in a thicket one might say. If it sounds like the thicket that the ram was caught by his horns by at the story of Issac then the reader is well in touch with what is being revealed here.

When Gabriel was walking around singing in the Garden as the Voice of God he he did not see the two he loved so much; so he began to call to them; but Adam heard his Voice; but answered him not; thus his inner state was of Shame; and this blushing was what brought the Redness to his flesh; but that he answered not Gabriel was Darkness; and thus the Blackness of Darkness; Evil had produced rebellion. To ignore his friend Adam had to make a very dark decision indeed; but he did it and then made the aprons so that he and Eve could step out: naked.

Adam and Eve 's first act together after the first was to make aprons of leaves and cover their two organs of generation; the Regenerative powers of their bodies now lost due to the Fall. It was this act of veling which is then seen much later as the one that seperates the Holy Place of the first tabernacle from the Holy of Holies seen at the second tabernacle.

Thus the Aprons comprise what we now call Religion; the fig leaf that covers the fact that when dam fell he became the Devil's Gold; and Eve became his Silver; for slaves are a man's property; and thus his "money". It was now these two that God had to ransom from their "false father" the Devil.

This is also the "genesis" of the story of Genesis; but it also brings to mind the fact that the "fig leaves" bu which we cover our Organs are still being seen: for in every church we have a Cross on which the Son of Man is shown Crucified: but when Lord Jesus was Crucified he was Naked: thus he was without the Fig Leaf of Religion that he is still covered with in our places of worship.

But in the Air the Cross shows a Naked Man on that Cross; and lifted up above the earth we see that Virgin who died on the Cross; we see again the Light of the Sun that they killed; the body of the Day itself whose 12 disciples wee his 12 hours; the Eternal Day was broken into by one hour: that of Judas; but this is not news; only the truth is now known of how the Aion was stopped from manifesting on earth. Yet not forever.

In Egypt we see that Osiris is killed by Set; but what we are really seeing is the Lie; for in Egypt Abel kills Cain as seen by Set killing Osiris; but Osiris is the Cosmic Cain; and Set is really Seth; who God gave Eve for the slain Abel. Thus the son of Osiris is called Thoth; but he is Enoch; the first City: Atlantis. And Thoth is seen later as Canaan; the Promised Land; even as Ham is Egypt; but let us examine first the god of Death.

After Adam was expelled from Paradise we have the fact that it was then that he and Eve committed the Act which produced their children; for Cain was White externally and physically; but black internally as spiritually; and Abel was Black externally and physically; but white internally: and thus gained God's blessing over his free Flock of Sheep by his offering; as Cain's offering and his fenced off Field of Grains was not.

But here we are seeing the end of the Field in the Nomadic civilization which proceeded the one of the City in the Agaric: the City dwellers wiped out or enslaved the Nomadic races; and this is historical fact.

But it also means that Moses account is true: and tellingly so; because it accurately forecasts the coming events which shaped the emrgence of Egypt; China; India; and they who gathered at the Amazonian heights of Peru. Yet let us not forget the Ethiopian heights of Egypt.

The Nomads being crushed by the City dwellers may not explain much to one; but to others is could explain why the Mongold rose up and crushed the Cities of Islam; and destroyed their civilization almost completely; for as Muhammed was in the position of a loyal Cain; the Mongols of Ghengiz Khan were those of a disloyal Abel; which was what the earth produced from the blood she drank of Abel; thus the Sea became incarnate discarnate: the Dying Mother of All living in the Shadow of Death was born in the flesh: Isis; whose Mystery I here disclose. These are the parameters of the Opening;

Part I : the 4 Races of Paradise; the 4 Colors of the Nature of Man

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